Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Thank You Card

To fund my cardmaking/scrapbooking habit I worked at the local speedway this season which finished last night and the last half of the season prior. Hubby got a new job at Christmas which sees him working days and nights. We were really lucky that I was able to finish this season because most of the Friday/Saturday nights I had to work he was rostered off or on day shift and my good friend was able to watch the girls for us for an hour and a half where mine and hubbys start/finish times overlapped. When he had to work a night shift he was able to get annual leave except last night. We were very thankful and grateful that my good friend said she could watch the girls and put them to bed for us. We have not had anyone else look after our children at night since the youngest was born, shes 3 and a half. We had our eldest looked after a couple of times when she was around 2 but she was always tucked up in bed before we went. I was extremely nervous about how last night would go as the youngest HAS to have me lie in bed with her till she falls asleep, if I don't she screams until I give in. Thankfully there were no tears or tantrums and everyone had a happy experience. To thank my friend I made her this card:
I introduced her to cardmaking and SU and I personally think she is a far superior card maker to me, I try to replicate her work and it always looks a mess, LOL This is what the card looked like before I decided it needed something else:
A close up of the front:
Thanks for visiting, Amanda

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